Jayson Iwen has recently been a finalist for the National Poetry Series, the New Issues Press Green Rose Award, the Trio House Press Louise Bogan Award, the Periplum Open Book Competition, the 42 Miles Press Poetry Award, and a semifinalist for the Brittingham and Felix Pollak Prizes. His published books are Six Trips in Two Directions (2006), A Momentary Jokebook (2008), and Gnarly Wounds (2013). His collaborative translation of Jawdat Fakhreddine’s Lighthouse for the Drowning was recently released in BOA Editions’ Lannan Translation Series, and his edited collection of poems by Jawdat Haydar, 101 Selected Poems, has been translated into French and republished by Editions Dar An-Nahar. Iwen also serves as the editor-in-chief of the online journal New Theory (new-theory.net). He lives and works in the Twin Ports region of northern Minnesota and Wisconsin. jaysoniwen.com

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William Burleson