Alicia Smith is Yupik from Pitkas Point Village in Alaska. Alicia works for the Department of Human Services as the American Indian Advisor for the Economic Opportunity and Nutrition Assistance programs. Alicia has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Minnesota-Morris and a master’s degree in tribal administration and governance from the University of Minnesota—Duluth. When not working at DHS, Alicia and her mom enjoy acting with New Native Theatre, running, golfing, and spending time with their family.

Grace T. Andreoff Smith is Yup'ik from Pitkas Point, Alaska. Grace is a boarding school survivor. She has lived in Minnesota since 1959. She is the mother of seven wonderful children and grandmother of 11. Grace enjoys acting with New Native Theatre, playing bingo, spending time with her children and watching her grandchildren in their sporting activities. Grace is the former Princess of the Four Winds for the Saint Paul Winter Carnival senior royalty.

William Burleson